President's Letter


Dear Stratfield Families,

On behalf of the Stratfield PTA, we are thrilled to welcome you and your families to our
school community! The two of us bring a unique and useful set of perspectives to the
role of PTA President: one of us is a Fairfield elementary school teacher, and the other
is Stratfield’s former PTA President. Cumulatively, the two of us have served on the
Stratfield PTA Board for four years already! We have spearheaded countless programs
and fundraisers from Restaurant Nights to Trunk or Treat, Room Parent Coordinator to
Valentine’s Day Candygrams. We find that we play off each other’s strengths and
couldn’t be more excited to be sharing the role of PTA President for the 2023-2024
school year!

This school year is shaping up to be one of the best yet! We are currently building the
PTA calendar full of stimulating and exciting programming and events, which we
promise to pass along to you as soon as we have dates confirmed. We also have the
best team of Stratfield moms and dads helping us along the way. Stratfield is an
amazing community, and we appreciate the many ways that our parents want to pitch in
for the greater good of our school.

One of the easiest ways to contribute to our Stratfield community and ensure that this
year is as good as it can be is to join the PTA! Did you now that the PTA at Stratfield
funds all of the extracurricular activities and programming at our school? That includes
guest speakers, author visits, book fairs, field days, school beautification, 5th grade
graduation activities, and teacher appreciation (to name but a few)!

We are so excited about finding new and better ways for the PTA to be of service to
YOU! Should you have any questions, comments, concerns, or new ideas, please don’t
hesitate to reach out. We would love to hear from you! 
Here’s to a great 2023-2024 school year!
All our best,
Elizabeth Lewis & Shannon Pascone
Stratfield PTA Presidents, 2023-2024